IM feature comparison: Premium/Ultimate

RongCloud currently offers two billing plans: IM Premium and IM Ultimate. This article provides a detailed list of the service limitations and feature sets of both plans, and compares them to the original IM Enterprise version (which has since been discontinued).

Service limitations

Category Feature IM Premium IM Ultimate Original IM Enterprise
Users Registered User Count Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Messages Offline Message Storage Duration 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days
File Storage Duration 180 Days 180 Days 180 Days
1-to-1 Chat Whitelist Capacity[1] 3,000 3,000 1,000
Blacklist Capacity[2] 3,000 3,000 1,000
Group chat Maximum Number of Groups per Application Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Number of Groups a User Can Join[3] Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Group Capacity[4] 3,000 3,000 3,000
Chatrooms Maximum Number of Chatrooms per Application Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Chatroom Capacity Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Ultragroup[5] Maximum Number of Ultragroups per Application Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Number of Ultragroups a User Can Join[3:1] 100 100
Maximum Ultragroup Capacity Unlimited Unlimited
Maximum Number of User Groups per Ultragroup 50 50
Maximum User Group Capacity per Ultragroup 100 100

Function List

:star2: Indicates that the feature is an advanced feature listed on the official pricing page.

Category Feature IM Premium IM Ultimate Original IM Enterprise
Conversation Type 1-to-1 Chat Service check-32 check-32 check-32
Group Chat Service check-32 check-32 check-32
Chatroom Service check-32 check-32 check-32
Ultragroup Service[5:1] check-32 check-32
Conversation Conversation DnD Setting[6] check-32 check-32 check-32
Conversation Pinning check-32 check-32 check-32
Conversation Tagging check-32 check-32 check-32
User Subscription to User Online Status :star2: check-32 check-32 check-32
Message Full-Amount Message Routing :star2: check-32 check-32 check-32
Full-Amount User Notification Service :star2: check-32 check-32 check-32
Tagged User Notification check-32 check-32 check-32
Online User Notification Service check-32 check-32 check-32
Multi-Device Message Synchronization :star2: check-32 check-32 check-32
Message Callback Service ¥ check-32 ¥
Message Log Download check-32 check-32 check-32
Single/Group Chat Message Read Receipt check-32 check-32 check-32
End-to-End Message Encryption Capability check-32 check-32 check-32
Group Group Mute check-32 check-32 check-32
Group Targeted Message check-32 check-32 check-32
Chatroom Chatroom Attribute Setting check-32 check-32 check-32
Chatroom Attribute Status Synchronization check-32 check-32 check-32
Chatroom Keep-Alive Service ¥ check-32 ¥
Chatroom Global Mute ¥ check-32 ¥
Chatroom Message Priority Service[7] ¥ check-32 ¥
Chatroom Whitelist Service[8] ¥ check-32 ¥
Chatroom Broadcast Message ¥ check-32 ¥
Chatroom Status Synchronization check-32 check-32 check-32
Chatroom Member Ban check-32 check-32 check-32
Ultragroup[5:2] Ultragroup Public Channel check-32 check-32
Ultragroup Private Channel check-32 check-32
Ultragroup User Group check-32 check-32
Ultragroup Mute check-32 check-32
Get Historical Messages Earlier than Joining a Group check-32 check-32
Unread AT Message List of Group Conversations check-32 check-32 check-32
Push Service All-Platform Offline Push[9] check-32 check-32 check-32
Push Content Setting According to Application Version check-32 check-32 check-32
Multilingual push template setting check-32 check-32 check-32
Push content template setting ¥ check-32 Not supported
API Rate Limit API Rate Limit ¥ ¥ ¥
Storage Service Cloud storage for 1-to-1 chat messages[10] :star2: check-32 check-32 check-32
Cloud storage for chatroom messages[11] ¥ ¥ ¥
Cloud storage for ultragroup messages[12] check-32 check-32
Security & Moderation Third-party Moderation ¥ ¥ ¥
Sensitive word filter check-32 check-32 check-32
Web security domain name setting check-32 check-32 check-32
Polaris Analytics IM Polaris check-32 check-32 check-32
RTC Polaris check-32 check-32 check-32
Desktop Version PC version ¥ ¥ ¥
Others Multiple package name setting check-32 check-32 check-32

  1. Refers to the maximum number of people a single user can add to the whitelist. ↩︎

  2. Refers to the maximum number of people a single user can add to the blacklist. ↩︎

  3. Refers to the maximum number of groups a single user can join. ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Refers to the number of group members ↩︎

  5. Only available in IM Ultimate. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  6. Do Not Disturb. ↩︎

  7. Refers to setting specified message types as low-priority-level messages (up to 20 message types). When the server load is high, if a low-level message is received, it is dropped first. For example, if an app has a customized message type to achieve “Like” function, they can set it as a low-level message type, and this type of messages are preferentially discarded when the volume of messages in the chatroom is large. ↩︎

  8. Refers to chatroom message/user whitelist function. The whitelist of chatroom users can be used to protect important users in specified chat rooms, and you can set whitelist users by chat room. For example, you can protect users with important roles such as administrators and anchors in chatrooms. The room message whitelist can be used to protect specified message types in all chatrooms under the app. For example, customized red packet messages. ↩︎

  9. APNs, FCM, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO, Meizu. ↩︎

  10. The package includes storage service, and after opening it, it will store the historical messages for 6 months by default. The storage time can be extended for a fee. ↩︎

  11. The package includes storage service, and after opening it, it will store the historical messages for 7 days by default. The storage time can be extended for a fee. ↩︎

  12. The package does not include storage service, and after opening it, it will store the historical messages for 2 months and charge monthly. The storage time can be extended for a fee. ↩︎